Catechism of the Catholic Church
- The latest and most systematic digest of the official Roman Catholic "deposit of faith."
Catholic Answers
- Catholic propaganda.
Envoy Magazine
- Patrick Madrid offers some slick competition to his former employer, Karl Keating, and This Rock magazine.
The Holy See
- The Pope's own home page.
The Nazareth Resource Library
- Catholic apologetic material.
New Advent Catholic Supersite
- A wealth of Catholic resources hereall "dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary."
Our Lady of the Roses
- Messages from the apparition of Mary at Bayside, NY. The Bayside movement has been condemned by the Bishop of the Brooklyn Diocese. No wonder. According to followers of the Bayside prophecies, Our Lady is none too pleased with the way modern Roman Catholicism is headed. She is particularly vexed about Vatican II's innovations, and she feels none is more sinister than the practice of receiving the communion wafer in the hand, rather than directly on the tongue. There's a page that cites Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who worked amid some of the world's worst poverty, disease, filth, and human agonyyet supposedly Mother whispered this "secret" to a group of close followers: In her estimation the worst plague on modern society is the practice of receiving communion in the hand.