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Helpful Theology Resources
Disclaimer: The fact that a site appears in this category simply means that I found helpful material there. It does not necessarily reflect agreement in every regard with every document you will find at these sites.
button The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
A coalition of evangelicals who remain committed to evangelical principles as spelled out in the historic Protestant confessions of faith. This organization has roots that go back to Donald Grey Barnhouse, and today it is one of the more important groups that remains committed to evangelical truth while the bulk of the evangelical movement has gone off in pursuit of newer trends. In my assessment, ACE and other organizations and individuals like them represent some of the finest and most important champions of true, biblical ministry in the present generation.

button Baptist Standard Bearer
Be wary of the hyper-Calvinistic slant you'll find here. Also some of the works on Baptist history represented here are tainted with Baptist successionism, which wrong-headedly attempts to claim several cults and heresies as Baptist forebears. Other than that, you can find some excellent resources here, including fine editions of John Gill's works.

button Baptizo
A collection of articles and links showing why believers' baptism (credobaptism) is the biblical pattern rather than infant baptism (paedobaptism). This is an old site and some of the links may be outdated, but there are nevertheless many helpful links here.

button Believers Chapel
Selected articles and other resources from Believers Chapel in Dallas—perhaps best known for the excellent teaching of the late Dr. S. Lewis Johnson. Downloadable here are sound files featuring a rich array of sermons from Johnson, current pastor Dan Duncan, and a few guest speakers. Johnson's classic messages, together with transcripts and other material, are also being made available at a new sister site, The SLJ Institute. So set your browser there, too. These are some of the finest, meatiest sermons ever preached, and they are all downloadable for free. Load your iPod.

button The Berean Society International
Check the "Favorite Articles" link for several superb articles from Charles Spurgeon, Arthur Pink, Rolfe Barnard, and others.

button Biblical Studies
Fred G. Zaspel's site. Fred is a proponent of "New Covenant Theology" (see comments below under "Sound of Grace"). He has assembled a collection of articles on the atonement, Baptism, the charismatic movement, and other issues. All of them are worth reading.

button The Calvinist Corner
A collection of articles defending the doctrines of grace—but with a charismatic slant. (Be wary of the way some of the articles here seem to equate the term "experiential Calvinism" with charismatic mysticism. That's not what the term historically signifies.)

button The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
An extremely well-designed site with some valuable resources to address a critical issue.

button Darkness to Light
Some very helpful articles here on various subjects, from a Particular Baptist perspective, by Gary F. Zeolla. The front page says, "founded July 1991" and the look of the website is early-'90s "HTML-starter kit," but there's some helpful material here. I especially appreciated the material defending the doctrine of the Trinity from the perspective of the post-apostolic church.

button Desiring God Ministries
John Piper's Media ministry. DG helped pioneer the practice of major media ministries making as many as possible of their resources free on-line, and you will find lots of valuable and useful resources here, with all the idiosyncrasies of John Piper's style and teaching. This is one of my favorite resources.

button DrBarrick.org
This Web site is both wonderfully personal and rich with helpful resources. Dr. William D. Barrick teaches Hebrew exegesis at The Master's Seminary, and this is his contribution to theology on the Web.

button The Founders Online
Here you'll find a potent collection of historical documents, insightful contemporary analyses, and other info about Calvinism in the SBC.

button "Grace to You" Radio Broadcast
John MacArthur's daily radio broadcast—which happens to be the ministry I work for full time. This link goes to the daily radio program and weekly television broadcasts, which stream at OnePlace.com. For the Grace to You website (which is also loaded with great resources), click here.

button Ligonier Ministries
R. C. Sproul's ministry online. Excellent resources, including several free audio files.

button David Linden's Theological Papers
A brilliant collection of essays on justification, the atonement, and other vital issues. David Linden writes with uncanny clarity and insight. The lack of any design or aesthetic obscures the value of this site. Highly recommended.

button Living Waters/The Way of the Master
This is the ministry of Ray Comfort, who is best-known for his sermon, "Hell's Best-Kept Secret"—which sets forth the main theme of this ministry. Comfort skillfully demonstrates how God's law is designed to make our sin appear exceedingly sinful (cf. Romans 7:13). He makes excellent use of the Ten Commandments for that purpose. Comfort is having an important ministry correcting one of the major imbalances of contemporary Christianity, and he has done a fine job reminding Christians of the importance of preaching the law to sinners.
    A further reminder is strongly advisable here, however: While it's true that contemporary evangelicalism has often been guilty of omitting the work of the law and understressing the reality of sin, it's also vital to guard our evangelism against an imbalance the opposite direction. While "Hell's Best-Kept Secret" is a good tape with valuable insight, don't forget heaven's best-kept secret: the doctrine of justification by faith, and especially the imputation of Christ's perfect righteousness to the believing sinner. I appreciate the diligence with which Ray Comfort has sought to maintain the proper balance.

buttonMartyn Lloyd-Jones Online
Sermons and articles by the Doctor, and selected biographical material, too. This site has morphed into a blog since I first linked it, but there are many valuable resources here.

button The Martyn Lloyd-Jones Recordings Trust
This is a ministry I was privileged to be personally involved in for twenty years, featuring recorded sermons by one of the premier expositors of all time. The Lloyd-Jones recordings are a fabulous legacy, and I'm glad to see them freely available via the Web.

button The Master's Seminary
A superior Web site with an abundance of important links—and it originates from the seminary located at my own home church's campus. (Several of the faculty here are friends of mine, but I'd be enthusiastic about this site no matter what.)

button Monergism.com
This is the premier Reformed site on the Web. It's a great guide to all the best Reformed literature on the Internet, in bite-size portions, updated weekly. There's a good balance of historical theology and timely material here, with links to lots of must-read material. Monergism.com has always been a first-class site, but it just gets better all the time. Don't miss the insightful original articles by Greg Fields arguing against what Fields labels Neo-gnostic 'Calvinism'—a novel and extremely intolerant brand of hyper-Calvinism. The resources dealing with the "New Perspective on Paul" are excellent, too.

button Mt. Zion Online
A wonderful collection of literature and sermons from Mt. Zion Bible Church in Pensacola, FL. This church's literature ministry has quietly, faithfully been sowing seed for years. Only heaven will reveal how bountiful the harvest has been. The Web site has an amazingly full collection of choice documents—including the complete works of John Bunyan. Mt. Zion supplied many Spurgeon sermons for The Spurgeon Archive when we were just starting out.

button IX Marks
Excellent articles, reviews, audio resources and other material from Mark Dever and team. Mark is teaching pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D. C.

button Piper's Notes
Sermon notes by John Piper. This is a superb resource.

button A Place for Truth
These pages by Charles Biggs are full of insight and encouragement. The essays and sermons are all rich and thought-provoking, but the real gem of this site is the page of in-depth topical studies. Don't miss his excellent studies on the historic Christian creeds. I don't agree with everything here, of course (it's too covenantal and Presbyterian for a baptist and Spurgeon aficionado like me), but it's a superb resource.

button A Puritan's Mind
This site features Puritan bios, Puritan writings, Puritan Creeds—plus articles on theological issues, T-shirts, and more. There's material from Turretin, Ames, and Christopher Love—nearly all quite good. This site was created by Dr. C. Matthew McMahon and is a portal to a sister site, the Puritan Board discussion forum, reputed to be one of the more interesting forums on the Web. (I've never had time to participate, but people send me items from there all the time.)

button The Reformed Reader
A wonderful collection of historic Baptist Resources. Highly recommended.

button Reformed Theology Resources
This site has long been near the top of my "favorites" list. It's well formatted and content-rich, offering a number of classic books and resources, many paginated as in the originals. When it comes to sacramentology and eschatology, I demur, of course. But it the main, the resources you will find here are meaty and valuable.

button Scottish Preachers
A rich collection of sermons and articles from some of Scotland's finest preachers.

button The Scripture Memory Connection
Scripture memory helps.

button Sound of Grace
Calvinism with an emphasis on the discontinuity of the Old and New Covenants. In distinction from more covenantal Reformed and Reformed Baptist views, the "New Covenant Theology" featured at this site downplays the role of the Law in the Christian's sanctification. As noted above, I'm not a proponent of NCT, but I've found my interaction with these views stimulating and helpful. This is the on-line version of the periodical founded by John Reisinger, whom I love and respect, despite our occasionally different points of view. (I would have categorized this site under "Christian Periodicals," but there's much more here than the journal featured on the opening page.)

button The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
A number of helpful resources are linked here, including some interesting audio files and link to President Al Mohler's articles and his daily weblog.

button www.SpiritualDisciplines.org
The Web site of Donald S. Whitney. Mr. Whitney is a superb author and speaker. His books and articles are all rich with insight and spiritual passion.

button True Covenanter
Most of the documents and sermons posted here are fascinating to read and historically valuable. An honest word of caution is in order, though: The tone and flavor of some of the editorial comments you'll read at this site are too petty and censorious for my tastes. Many these days who talk obsessively about "covenanting" are simply hyper-fundamentalists in Reformed dress. Their movement suffers from the same kind of hyper-separatism and harsh infighting that characterizes some of the old-style southern fundamentalists. Still, the historical documents that make up the bulk of this site are too rich and too valuable to consign this site to any other category than "helpful."

button 21st Century Puritanism
Here's an interesting site with some great links and several provocative articles by Mitch Cervinka and others. While I would not be in agreement with Mitch's ecclesiology or his views on celebrating holidays like Christmas, he nonetheless has posted some good studies on issues related to Christian liberty, the Sabbath, head coverings, etc. The site is well-organized, the articles are well-written, and there's much here that is profitable.

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