Alaska Christian Ministry to Seafarers
- Friends whom I met when a shipping line dropped my luggage in the sea. (It's a long story. Perhaps I'll post the whole tale someday.)
A. Allison Lewis
- Articles and links in defense of classic fundamentalism, with an emphasis on the authority of Scripture. You'll find some good and easily-accessible anti-cult resources and even an interesting article on the unbiblical teachings of Finney. There's much warm, insightful devotional material here as well, and a Bible-reading schedule. This site reflects some of historic fundamentalism's finest tendencies.
Armenian Fundamentalist Evangelical Resources
- Sermons from my home church and other helpful material translated into Armenian.
The Audio Bible
- Alexander Scourby's famous reading of the Scriptures is now available, a chapter at a time, through RealAudio. Scourby's reading is my favorite KJV audio version. I hope one day these files will be formatted for iTunes.
The J.S. Bach Home Page
- A wonderful Web site devoted to the composer who represents the pinnacle of Baroque and sacred music.
Bible Pathway Ministries
- A daily devotional that takes you systematically through the Bible.
Bibles of the Past
- A wealth of information about Bible translations and the history of Bible publishing.
Christian Answers Network
- A mega-site providing movie reviews; answers to practical, biblical, and apologetic questions; and other Christian resources. Some of the questions I have sampled here come with very good and suprisingly complete answers. Of course, I can't speak for the accuracy of all the answers you'll find here because of the sheer volume of the ever-changing content on this site. (I will say that I have found some of their movie reviews less than profitable.) They seem to be generically protestant and evangelical, and fundamentally conservative.
The Cyber Hymnal
- This site has over 1,300 Christian hymns and Gospel songs from many denominations. You'll find lyrics, sound, background information, photos, links, MIDI files and scores you can download.
Lambert Dolphin's Resources
- A vast collection of resources, with special emphases on Bible prophecy, the Bible and Science, and general Bible study. This is one of the oldest and largest personal Christian sites on the Web. Lambert Dolphin is a physicist whose observations on the Bible and science are always enlightening. He was also a pioneer of the Christian Web and is the man who first put the Ray Stedman Library on-line, though it is now a standalone site. (See our list of online sermons.)
Drawing Near
- Daily devotional readings with John MacArthur from Grace to You. A large collection of additional daily resources is also available from GTY.
Johnny the Baptist
- Johnny Campbell includes RealAudio sermons of his old-fashioned fundamentalist preachingand other resources.
Music for the Church of God
- Songs and hymnsboth words and musicwith special emphasis on metrical psalms. My link to this site comes with a strong disclaimer: "The Church of God" referred to in the site's title is a reference to "The Worldwide Church of God," a cult founded by Herbert W. Armstrong. The church that sponsors this site is evidently an offshoot of that groupa renegade congregation that retained the cult's original anti-trinitarian and strong seventh-day sabbatarian beliefs even when the mainstream of the original cult abandoned its hard-line stance on those opinions.
So beware: some of the hymns at this site have been modified so that the lyrics reflect old-style Armstrongism. For example, "Holy, Holy, Holy," a classic hymn about the Trinity, has been given some cheesy substitute lines in order to avoid every reference to "God in three Persons, blessed Trinity." Where they haven't monkeyed with the lyrics, however, the material here can be helpful. It's especially a good source for tunes and information on psalm-singing. If you use it, I recommend doing so with a trustworthy hymnal in hand, to compare lyrics for safety's sake.
Project Wittenberg
- Luther's works on line.
The Sacred Sandwich
- Sanctified parody.
Dean & Laura VanDruff's Home Page
- Including Acts 17:11 Bible Studies. This site was once Yahoo's cool site of the day. You can't say that about many of the sites I link to!
Wesley Wildman's Weird Wild World Wide Web Page
- My favorite non-evangelical theological Web site. Complete with informative articles, a picture gallery, and a good sense of humor.