The Banner of Truth
- This has consistently been the best single periodical featuring Reformed theology since its founding in 1957.
Christian History
- The best church history magazine available.
Communiqué: A Quarterly Journal
- A well-designed Christian journal featuring Christian writers and artists "whose work deals with issues pertinent to the intersections of their art, faith, culture and community."
Contra Mundum
- Reformed intellectual musings. Often quite good.
Credenda Agenda
- A must-read.
First Things
- Fr. Richard John Neuhaus's journal. You'll find some insightful articles here criticizing relativistic trends in modern thought. But Neuhaus's ecumenical slant is also evident. We agree that defending moral absolutes is crucialbut we deny that it takes precedence over doctrinal purity (see Gal. 1).
The Founders Journal
- A splendid journal from the Calvinist wing of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Grace Magazine
- A magazine for Baptist churches holding to the doctrines of grace. Articles on a wide range of doctrinal, devotional and historical subjects, as well as local church issues. Balanced, thoughtful, biblical.
Leben: A Journal of Reformed Life
- History and biography focusing on the Reformers. A few back issues are downloadable as .pdf files.
The Master's Seminary Journal
- I'm privileged to be associated in a small way with this journal. As academic journals go, it is the best mix of new and old, practical and scholarly, biblical and theological material you're likely to find anywhere.
The Milieu Online
- The online newsletter for families of the Reformed Faith. Creatively designed, with some great material.
Preaching Magazine
- I'm afraid I couldn't recommend most of the articles featured in this magazine. There's far too much that is deliberately pragmatic, urging preachers to appeal to popular tastes. But every now and then, you'll find something of value in the mix.
Reformation Today Online
- One of my favorite periodicals. This Reformed Baptist publication from England is edited by Erroll Hulse.
World on the Web
- My favorite weekly news magazine.