
Lecture 49

Arminian Theory of RedemptionConcluded
by R. L. Dabney

HE favorite Arminian
dogma, that God's will concerning the salvation of individuals is
conditioned on His simple foresight of their improvement of their
common grace, in genuine faith, repentance, and holy obedience, is
necessary to the coherency of their system. If grace is invincible,
and all true faith, &c., are its fruits, then God's purpose as to
working them must be absolute in this sense. If grace is only
synergistic, and the sinner's free will alone decides the question of
resisting it, or co-operating with it, then, of course, the
sovereignty of decision, in this matter, is in the creature, and not
in God; and He must be guided in His purpose by what it is foreseen
the creature will choose to do. Thus we reach, by a corollary from
the Arminian doctrine of "Calling," that which in time is first, the
nature of the Divine purpose about it. The student is here referred
to the Lecture on the Decree. But as the subject is so illustrative
of the two theories of redemption, the Arminian and the orthodox, I
shall not hesitate to discuss the same thing again, and to reproduce
some of the same ideas.
And let me begin by reminding you
of that plain distinction, by the neglect of which, Arminians get all
the plausibility of their view. It is one thing to say that, in the
Divine will, the result purposed is conditioned on the presence of
its means; another thing to say that, God's purpose about it is also
conditioned or dependent on the presence of its means. The former is
true, the latter false. And this, because the presence of the means
is itself efficaciously included in this same Divine purpose. Thus, a
believer's salvation is doubtless dependent on his repentance; in the
sense that, if he does not repent, he will not be saved. But God's
purpose to save him is not dependent on his choosing to repent; for
one of the things which God's purpose efficaciously determines is,
that this believer shall have grace to repent. Remember, also, that
when we say God's election is not dependent on the believer's
foreseen faith, &c., we do not represent the Divine purpose as a
motiveless caprice. It is a resolve founded most rationally,
doubtless, on the best of reasonsonly, the superior faith and
penitence of that man were not, a priori among them; because
had not God already determined, from some better reasons unknown to
us, that man would never have had any faith or repentance to foresee.
And this is a perfect demonstration, as well as a Scriptural one. The
Arminian opinion makes an effect the cause of its own cause. And that
our faith, &c., are effects of our calling and election, see Rom.
8:29; Eph. 1:4, 5; 2 Thes. 2:13; 1 Cor. 4:7; Jno. 15:16.
(b). But to this I may add the same
idea in substance, which I used against Common Sufficient Grace:
That, in fact, differences are made, in the temperaments and
characters, opportunities and privileges of individuals and nations,
which practically result in the death of some in sin. Thus: what
practical opportunity, humanly speaking, had the man born in Tahiti,
in the 18th century, for redemption through Christ? Now the Arminian
himself admits an election of races or nations to such privilege,
which is sovereign. Does not this imply a similar disposal of the
fate of individuals? Can an infinite understanding fail to comprehend
the individuals, in disposing of the destiny of the mass? But, under
this head especially, I remark: the time of every man's death is
decided by a sovereign Providence. But by determining this
sovereignly, God very often practically decides the man's eternal
destiny. Much more obvious is this, in the case of infants. According
to Arminians, all that die in infancy are saved. So, then, God's
purpose to end their mortal life in infancy is His purpose to save
them. But this purpose cannot be formed from any foresight of their
faith or repentance; because they have none to foresee, being saved
without them.
(c). God's foresight of believers'
faith and repentance implies the certainty, or "moral necessity " of
these acts, just as much as a sovereign decree. For that which is
certainly foreseen must be certain. The only evasion from this is the
absurdity of Adam Clarke, that God chooses not to foreknow certain
things, or the impiety of the Socinians, that He cannot foreknow some
things. On both, we may remark, that if this faith and repentance are
not actually foreknown, they cannot be the bases of any resolve on
God's part.
(d) That any purposes of God should
depend on the acts of a creature having an indeterminate, contingent
will, such as Arminian describes, is incompatible with their
immutability and eternity. But all His decrees are such. See
Ps.33:11; 2 Tim. 2.19; Eph. 1:4; Is. 46:10. In a word, this doctrine
places the sovereignty in the creature, instead of God, and makes Him
wait on His own servant. It is disparaging to God.
Last: This very purpose of
individual election to salvation is often declared to be uncaused by
any foreseen good in us. See Matt. 11:26; Rom. 9:11-16; 11:5-6,
But Arminians cite many passages,
in which they assert, God's resolve as to what He shall do to men is
conditioned on their good or bad conduct. They are such as 1 Sam.
13:13; Ps. 81.13-14; Luke 7:30; Ezek. 18:21, etc.; Luke 19:42. Our
opponents here make an obvious confusion of things, which should be
distinguished. When God preceptively reveals a connection between two
alternative lines of conduct, and their respective results, as
established by His law or promise, he does not at all reveal anything
thereby, as to what He purposes with reference to permitting or
procuring the exercise of that conduct by man. Of course, it does not
imply that His purpose on this point is contingent to Him, or that
the consequent results were uncertain to Him. We have seen that many
of the results decreed by God were dependent on means which man
employed; but that God's resolve was not dependent, because it
secretly embraced their performance of those instrumental acts also.
But the proof that the Arminians misconstrue those Scripture
instances, is this: That the Bible itself contains many instances of
these conditional threats and promises, and expressions of
compassion, where yet the result of them is expressly foretold. If
expressly predicted, they must have been predetermined. See, then,
Is. 1:19, 20, compared with 7:17-20. And, more striking yet, Acts
27:23-25, with 31.
Rom. 9:11-18, is absolutely
conclusive against conditional election. The only evasion by which
the Arminian can escape its force, is, that this passage teaches only
a national election of Israel and Edom, represented in their
patriarchs, Jacob and Esau, to the outward privileges of the Gospel.
We reply, as before, that Jacob and Esau certainly represented
themselves also, so that here are two cases of unconditional
predestination. But Paul's scope shows that the idea is false: for
that scope is to explain, how, on his doctrine of justification by
grace, many members of Israel were lost, notwithstanding equal
outward privileges. And in answering this question, the Apostle
evidently dismisses the corporate or collective, in order to consider
the individual relation to God's plan and purpose. See the verses 8,
15, 24. That the election was not merely to privileges is clearly
proved by the allusion of verse 8, compared with verses 4, 21,
2. I am now to show that the
Calvinistic scheme is consistent, and the Arminian inconsistent, with
the philosophical theory of the will and free agency. Let me here
refer you to Lecture 11, where the true doctrine of the will is
stated and defended, and request you, if your mastery of the views
there given is not perfect, to return and make it so, before
proceeding. While I shall not repeat the arguments, the definition of
the true doctrine is so important (and has so often been imperfectly
made by Calvinists), that I shall take the liberty to restate it.
The Arminian says that free-agency
consists in the self-determining power of the will, as a distinct
faculty in the soul. The Calvinist says, it consists in the
self-determining power of the soul. An Arminian says an agent is only
free, when he has power to choose as the will may determine itself
either way, irrespective of the stronger motive. The Calvinist says
that an agent is free, when he has power to act as his own will
chooses. The Arminian says that in order to be free, the agent must
be exempt from the efficient influence of his own motives; the
Calvinist, that he must be exempt from co-action, or external
constraint; The Arminian says, that in order to be free, the agent
must always be capable of having a volition uncaused. The Calvinist
says that if an agent has a volition uncaused, he cannot possibly be
free therein, because that volition would be wholly irrational; the
agent would therein be simply a brute. Every free, rational,
responsible volition is such, precisely because it is caused i.e. by
the agent's own motives; the rational agent is morally judged for his
volitions according to their motives, or causes.
But when we ask: What is the motive
of a rational volition, we must make that distinction which all
Arminians, and many Calvinists heedlessly overlook between motive and
inducement. The object offered to the soul as an inducement to choose
is not the cause, the motive of the choice; but only the occasion.
The true efficient cause is something of the soul's own, something
subjective; namely, the soul's own appetency according to his
prevalent, subjective disposition. The volition is not efficaciously
caused by the inducement or object which appeals, but by the
disposition which is appealed to. Thus, the causative spring of a
free agent's action is within, not without him; according to the
testimony of our consciousness. (The theory which makes the objective
inducement the true cause of volition, is from that old, mischievous,
sensualistic psychology, which has always been such a curse to
theology). But then, this inward or subjective spring of action is
not lawless; it is not indeterminate; if it were, the agent would
have neither rationality nor character; and its action would be
absolutely blind and brutish. This subjective spring has a law of its
own activitythat is to say, its self-action is of a determinate
character (of one sort or another). And that character is what is
meant by the radical habitus, or natural disposition of the
agent. And this subjective disposition is what gives uniform quality
to that series of acts, by which common sense estimates the character
of an agent. (And this, as we saw, was a sufficient proof of our
doctrine; that otherwise, the exhibition of determinate character by
a free agent, would be impossible). God is an excellent Agent,
because He has holy original disposition. Satan is a wicked agent,
because he has an unholy disposition, etc.
Now, this habitus or
disposition of soul is not by any means always absolutely simple; it
is a complex of certain active principles, with mental habitudes
proceeding therefrom, and modified by outward circumstances. With
reference to some sorts of outward inducements, these active
principles may act with less uniformity and determinateness; with
reference to others, with more. Here, modifying outward influences
may change the direction of the principles. The avaricious man is
sometimes prompted to generous volitions, for instance. But our
common sense recognizes this truth: that the more, original and
primary of those active principles constituting a being's disposition
or habitus, are perfectly determinate and uniform in their
action. For instance: no being, when happiness and suffering are the
alternatives, is ever prompted by his own disposition, to choose the
suffering for its own sake; no being is ever prompted, applause or
reproach being equally in its reach, to prefer the reproach to the
applause for its own sake. And last: this disposition, while never
the effect of specific acts of volition (being always a priori
thereto, and cause of them) is spontaneous; that is, in exercising
the disposition, both in consideration and choice, the being is
self-prompted. When arguing against the Pelagian sophism, that man
could not be responsible for his disposition, because it is "
involuntary," I showed you the ambiguity wrapped up in that word. Of
course, anything which, like disposition, precedes volition, cannot
be voluntary in the sense of proceeding out of a volition; what goes
before of course does not follow after the same thing. But the
question is, "whether disposition is self-prompted." There is a true
sense in which we intuitively know that a man ought not to be made
responsible for what is "involuntary," viz.; for what happens against
his will. But does any man's own disposition subsist against his
will? If it did it would not be his own. There is here a fact of
common sense, which is very strangely overlooked; that a man may most
freely prefer what is natural to him, and in that sense his prior to
his volition choosing it. Let a simple instance serve. Here is a
young gentleman to whom nature has given beautiful and silky black
hair. He, himself, thinks it very pretty, and altogether prefers it.
Does he not thereby give us as clear, and as free an expression of
his taste in hair, as though he had selected a black wig? So, were he
to purchase hair dye to change his comely locks to a 'carroty red,'
we should regard him as evincing very bad taste. But I ask, if we saw
another whom nature had endowed with 'carroty red hair,' glorying in
it with pride and preference, we should doubtless esteem him guilty
of precisely the same bad taste, and precisely as free therein as the
other. But the color of his hair was determined by nature, not by his
original selection. Now, my question is: must we not judge the moral
preference just as free in the parallel case, as the aesthetic? I
presume that every reflecting mind will give an affirmative answer.
If, for instance, a wicked man made you the victim of his extortion,
or his malice, you would not think it any palliation to be told by
him that he was naturally covetous or malignant, nor would you be
satisfied by the plea, that this evil disposition was not at first
introduced into his soul by his personal act of soul; while yet he
confessed that he was entirely content with it and cherished it with
a thorough preference. In fine: whether the moral agent is free in
entertaining his connate disposition, may be determined by a very
plain test. Does any other agent compel him to feel it, or does he
feel it of himself ? The obvious answer discloses this fact; that
disposition is the most intimate function of our self-hood, and this,
whether connate or self-induced.
Is not this now the psychology of
common sense and consciousness? Its mere statement is sufficiently
evincive of its truth. But you have seen a number of arguments by
which it is demonstrated, and the rival theory reduced to absurdity.
Now, our assertion is, that the Calvinistic doctrine of effectual
calling is agreeable to these facts of our free-agency, and the
Arminian inconsistent with them.
(a.) First, the equilibrium of
will, to which Arminians suppose the gospel restores all sinners,
through common sufficient grace, would be an unnatural and absurd
state of soul, if it existed. You will remember that the Wesleyans
(the Arminian school which we meet) admit that man lost equilibrium
of will in the fall; but say that it is restored through Christ; and
that this state is necessary to make man truly free and responsible
in choosing the Savior. But we have shown that such a state is
impossible for an active agent, and irrational. So far as it existed,
it would only show the creature's action irrational, like that of the
beasts. Hence, the evangelical choice arising in such a state would
be as motiveless, as reasonless, and therefore, as devoid of right
moral character, as the act of a man walking in his sleep. And, to
retort the Arminian's favorite conclusion, all the so-called gracious
states of penitence, &c., growing out of that choice, must be devoid
of right moral quality, how can those exercises of soul have that
quality? Only as they are voluntary, and prompted by right moral
motives. But as we have seen, motive is subjective; so that the
action of soul cannot acquire right moral quality until it is
prompted by right moral disposition. Hence, if that common sufficient
grace were anything at all, it would be the grace of moral
renovation; all who had it would be regenerate.
(b.) Second: We have seen that the
notion of a moral agent without determinate, subjective moral
character, of some sort, is absurd. The radical, ruling
habitus has some decisive bent of its own, some way or other.
Is not this simply to say that disposition is disposed? The question
of fact then arises, which is the bent or determinate direction,
which man's natural disposition has, touching spiritual things? Is it
for, or against it? Or, as a question of fact, is the disposition of
mankind naturally, and uniformly. either way? Or, are some men one
way disposed by nature, and some the other, as to this object? The
answer is, that they are all naturally disposed, in the main, the
same way, and that, against the spiritual claims of Christ and God.
What are these claims? That the sinner shall choose the holy will of
God over his own, and His favor over sensual, earthly, and sinful
joys in all their forms. Nothing less than this is evangelical
repentance and obedience. Now note, we do not say that no men ever
choose any formal act of obedience by nature. Nor, that no man ever
desires (what he conceives to be) future blessedness by nature. Nor,
that every natural man is as much bent on all forms of rebellion, as
every other. But we assert, as a matter of fact, that all naturally
prefer self-will to God's holy will, and earthly, sensual, and sinful
joys (in some forms) to God's favor and communion; that this is the
original, fundamental, spontaneous disposition of all; and that in
all essential alternatives between self and God, the disposition is,
in the natural man, absolutely determinate and certain. If this is
true, then the unconverted man without sovereign grace is equally
certain to choose carnally, and equally a free agent in choosing
But that such is the determinate
disposition of every natural man, is obvious both from experience and
from Scripture. Every renewed man, in reviewing his own purposes, is
conscious that, before regeneration, self-will was, as against God,
absolutely dominant in all his feelings and purposes; of which no
stronger test can be imagined than this conscious fact; that the very
best religious impulses to which his soul could be spurred by remorse
or alarm, were but modifications of self-will, (self-righteousness.)
Every true Christian looks back to the time when he was absolutely
incompetent to find, or even to imagine, any spontaneous good or joy
in anything except carnality; and the only apprehension it was
possible for him to have of God's service, in looking forward to the
time when, he supposed, the fear of hell would compel him to
undertake it, was of a constraint and a sacrifice. So, when we look
without, while we see a good many in the state of nature, partially
practicing many secular virtues, and even rendering to God some
self-righteous regards, we see none preferring God's will and favor
to self-will and earth. All regard such a choice as an evil per se;
all shrink from it obstinately; all do so under inducements to
embrace it which reasonably ought to be immense and overwhelming. The
experimental evidence, that this carnality is the original and
determinate law of their disposition, is as complete as that which
shows the desire of happiness is a law of their disposition. And all
this remains true of sinners under the gospel, of sinners
enlightened, of sinners convicted and awakened by the Holy Ghost in
His common operations; which is a complete, practical proof that
there is not any such sufficient grace, common to all as brings their
wills into equilibrium about evangelical good. For those are just the
elements which the Arminians name, as making up that grace: and we
see that where they are, still there is no equilibrium, but the old,
spontaneous, native bent, obstinately dominant still.
The decisiveness of that
disposition is also asserted in Scripture in the strongest possible
terms. All men are the "servants of sin," Jno. 8:34; Rom. 6:20; 2
Pet. 1.19. They are "sold under sin." Rom. 7:14. They are "in the
bond of iniquity." Acts 8:23. They are "dead in sins." Eph.2.1. They
are "blind;" yea, "blindness" itself. Eph. 4:18. Their "hearts are
stony." Ezek. 36:26, They are "impotent" for evangelical good 2 Cor.
3:5; Jno. 15:5; Rom. 5:6; Matt. 7:18; 12:34; Jno. 6:44. "The carnal
mind is enmity, and cannot be subject to the law of God." Rom. 8:7.
Surely these, with the multitude of similar testimonies, are enough
to prove against all ingenious glosses, that, our view of man's
disposition is true. But if man's free-agency is misdirected by such
active principles as these, original, uniform, absolutely decisive,
it is folly to suppose that the mighty revolution to holiness can
originate in that free-agency; it must originate without, in almighty
Nor is it hard for the mind which
has comprehended this philosophy of common sense and experience, to
solve the current Arminian objection; that the man in such a state of
will cannot be responsible or blameworthy for his continued
impenitency. This "inability of will" does not supersede either
free-agency or responsibility.
There is here an obvious
distinction from that external coaction, which the reason and
conscience of every man recognizes as a different state, which would
supersede responsibility. The Calvinists of the school of Jonathan
Edwards make frequent use of the terms, "moral inability," "natural
inability," to express that plain, old distinction. Turrettin teaches
us that they are not new. In his Locus, 10, que. 4, section 39, 40,
you will find some very sensible remarks, which show that this pair
of terms is utterly ambiguous and inappropriate, however good the
meaning of the Calvinists who used them. I never employ them. That
state which they attempt to describe as "moral inability," our
Confession more accurately calls, loss of all ability of will." (Ch.
9 section 3). It should be remarked here, that in this phrase, and in
many similar ones of our Confession, the word "will" is used in a
sense more comprehensive than the specific faculty of choosing. It
means the "conative powers," (so called by Hamilton,) including with
that specific function, the whole active power of soul. The
"inability," then, which we impute to the natural man, and which does
not supersede responsibility, while it does make his voluntary
continuance in impenitence absolutely certain, and his turning of
himself to true holiness impossible, is a very distinct thing from
that physical coaction, and that natural lack of essential faculties,
either of which would be inconsistent with moral obligation. It is
thus defined in Hodge's outlines: "Ability consists in the power of
the agent to change his own subjective state, to make himself prefer
what he does not prefer, and to act in a given case in opposition to
the co-existent desires and preferences of the agent's own heart." I
will close with a statement of the distinction, which I uttered under
very responsible circumstances. "All intelligent Calvinists
understand very well, that " inability" consists not in the
extinction of any of the powers which constituted man the creature he
was before Adam's fall, and which made his essence as a religious
being; but in the thorough moral perversion of them all. The soul's
essence is not destroyed by the fall; if it were, in any part, man's
responsibility would be to that extent modified. But all his
faculties and susceptibilities now have a decisive and uniform, a
native and universal, a perpetual and total moral perversion, by
reason of the utter revolt of his will from God and holiness, to
self-will and sin; such that it is impossible for him, in his own
free will, to choose spiritual good for its own sake."
(c) Regeneration, correspondingly,
does not constrain a man to will against his dispositions; but it
renews the dispositions themselves. It reverse the morbid and
perverse bias of the will. It rectifies the action of all faculties
and affections, previously perverted by that bias. God's people are
"willing in the day of His power." Ps. 110:3. "He worketh in them
both to will and to do of His good pleasure." Phil. 2.13. In that
believers now form holy volitions at the prompting of their own
subjective principles, unconstrained by force, they are precisely as
free as when, before, they spontaneously formed sinful volitions at
the prompting of their opposite evil principles. But in that the
action of intellect and desire and conscience is now rectified,
purified, ennobled, by the divine renovation, the believer is more
free than he was before. "He cannot sin, because the living and
incorruptible seed" of which he is born again "liveth and abideth in
him." Thus, regeneration, though almighty, does not infringe
free-agency, but perfects it.
The standing Arminian objection is,
that man cannot be praise or blame-worthy, for what does not proceed
from his own free-will. Hence, if he does not primarily choose a new
heart, but it is wrought in him by another, he has no more moral
credit, either for the change or its consequences, than for the
native color of his hair. This objection is, as you have seen, of a
Pelagian source. By the same argument Adam could have had no
concreated righteousness; but we saw that the denial of it to him was
absurd. By the same reasoning God Himself could have no moral credit
for His holy volitions; for He never chose a righteousness, having
been eternally and necessarily righteous. We might reply, also, that
the new and holy state is chosen by the regenerate man, for his will
is as free and self-moved, when renovated in preferring his own
renovation, as it ever was in sinners.
To sum up, then: The quickening
touch of the Holy Ghost operates, not to contravene any of the free
actings of the will; but to mould dispositions which lie back of it.
Second: all the subsequent right volitions of the regenerate soul are
in view of inducements rationally presented to it. The Spirit acts,
not across man's nature, but according to its better law. Third: the
propensities by which the renewed volitions are determined are now
noble, not ignoble, harmonious, not confused and hostile; and
rational, not unreasonable. Man is most truly free when he has his
soul most freely subjected to God's holy will. See those illustrious
passages in John 8:36; 2 Cor. 3:17; Rom. 8:21. Since this blessed
work is like the free-agency which it reinstates, one wholly unique
among the actions of God, and essentially different from all physical
effects, it cannot receive any adequate illustration. Any parallel
attempted, from either material or animal causes, would be
incomplete. If, for instance, I were to say that the carnal man "in
the bonds of iniquity," is like a wretch, who is hindered from
walking in the paths of his duty and safety by some incubus
that crushes his strength, I should use a false analogy: for the
incubus is external: carnality is internal: an evil state
qualifying the will itself. But this erroneous parallel may serve us
so far; the fortunate subject of effectual calling has no more
occasion to complain of violence done to his free-agency, than that
wretch would, when a deliverer came and rolled the abhorred load off
his body, restoring his limbs to the blessed freedom of motion, which
might carry him away from the death that threatened him. You must
learn to think of the almighty grace put forth in effectual calling,
as reparative only; not violative. Augustine calls it a Delectatio
victrix. It is a secret, omnipotent, silent, beneficent work of
God, as gentle, yet powerful, as that which restored the vital spark
to the corpse of Lazarus. Such are all God's beneficent actions, from
the launching of the worlds in their orbits, to the germination of
the seed in the soil.
Text scanned by Mike Bremmer