For additional biographical material on C. H. Spurgeon, see the superb Biography Page at the Pilgrim Publications' Web Site. |

Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-92) was England's best-known preacher for most of the second half of the nineteenth century. In 1854, just four years after his conversion, Spurgeon, then only 20, became pastor of London's famed New Park Street Church (formerly pastored by the famous Baptist theologian John Gill). The congregation quickly outgrew their building, moved to Exeter Hall, then to Surrey Music Hall. In these venues Spurgeon frequently preached to audiences numbering more than 10,000all in the days before electronic amplification. In 1861 the congregation moved permanently to the newly constructed Metropolitan Tabernacle.
Spurgeon's printed works are voluminous, and those provided here are only a sampling of his best-known works, including his magnum opus, The Treasury of David. Nearly all of Spurgeon's printed works are still in print and available from Pilgrim Publications, PO Box 66, Pasadena, TX 77501.
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More About Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon and the
Awesome Power of the Atonement
A paper by Michael Wine.
Spurgeon's Love of Fine Cigars
An answer to one of the most commonly-asked questions we get about Mr. Spurgeon.
Spurgeon's First Five Years in Ministry
From Desiring God ministries, a fascinating interview.
Documents from the Down-Grade Controversy
A collection of documents on the controversy that dominated Spurgeon's final years. Plus an appendix on the history of the Down-Grade from John MacArthur's best-selling book Ashamed of the Gospel.
An Introduction to Charles Haddon Spurgeon
A brief intoduction to Spurgeon and his preaching, from The Victorian Web.
Charles H. Spurgeon and Eschatology: Did He Have a Discernible Millennial Position?
By Dennis Swanson.
Note: This file is more than 250K bytes. Please allow it to load fully before attempting to follow the internal links you'll find in the Table of Contents. Footnotes are linked by note number to a separate file (75K). |
Charles H. Spurgeon and the Nation of Israel: A Non-Dispensational Perspective on a Literal National Restoration.
A second article on Spurgeon's eschatology by Dennis Swanson.
Spurgeon's View of the Millennium
Another look at Spurgeon's eschatology, this one by Mark A. McNeil.
Life and Works of Charles H. Spurgeon
A wonderful Victorian-era biography by Henry Davenport Northrup, D.D.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon 1834-1892: The Soul Winner
An excellent, abbreviated biography of Spurgeon, from the Heath Christian Bookshop in Wales.
Charles Spurgeon: The Prince of Preachers
A short biographical sketch.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Another short bio with pictures.
Charles Spurgeon: Preaching Through Adversity
A superb article by John Piper from the Southern Baptist Founder's Journal
Charles H. Spurgeon: Social Reformer
From the February 1997 issue of Premise Magazine, an electronic journal sponsored by the Center for the Advancement of Paleo Orthodoxy.
Personal Memories of Spurgeon
From Recollections of a Long Life: An Autobiography, by Theodore Ledyard Cuyler
The Conversion of Charles Haddon Spurgeon: January 6 1850
A brilliant and thought-provoking article from Geoff Thomas
and The Banner of Truth.
Spurgeon's Message of Christ's Atoning Sacrifice
An insightful article by Tom Nettles, on Spurgeon's doctrine of the atonement. Sponsored by The Founders Online. Follow the links for part 2
The Riches of Spurgeon
A superb article by Orthodox Presbyterian author William Shishko. He writes, "As highly as I regard Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Knox, Whitefield, Edwards, and many other pulpit giants of the past, I become more convinced with every reading of a Spurgeon sermon that this English Baptist preacher of the 18th century is the preeminent model for one who would be a herald of the Word of God and the Christ of that Word."
Charles Haddon Spurgeon Centenary (1834-1934)
Tributes to Spurgeon from George W. Truett and W. Robertson Nicolle.
Did You Know?
Facts about Spurgeon from Eric W. Hayden, former pastor of Metropolitan Tabernacle, London. This article is from Christian History magazine.
Early Religious Impressions
From Spurgeon's Autobiography
Happy Childhood at Stambourne
From Spurgeon's Autobiography
The Great ChangeConversion
Spurgeon's own account of his conversionfrom the Autobiography
Pure Fun
Anecdotes about Spurgeon's sense of humorfrom the Autobiography
A Brief Biography, and 100 Years Later
Two fine biographical pieces by Bob L. Ross and David Spence.
The Man and His Wonderful Message: Being the Life Story of Charles
Haddon Spurgeon, by James T. Allen
A marvelous, short Spurgeon Biography, from the "Penny Biography" series, by A. Holness, a turn-of-the-century London publisher. Photographs and text included.
Mrs. C. H. Spurgeon
A touching and insightful biography of Susannah Spurgeon.
Vanity Fair on Charles Spurgeon
From the 10 December 1870 issue of Britain's popular culture magazine.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon Index
Indexes of Spurgeon's comments on Calvinism, Arminianism, and the doctrines of grace. From the Cork Free Presbyterian Church, Cork, Ireland. Pastor, Colin Maxwell.
Who's C. H. Spurgeon?
A warm tribute to Spurgeon from Bob and Mike Ross of Pilgrim Publications, the largest-ever publisher of Spurgeon's works.
Spurgeon Vignettes
Brad Haugaard's collection of fascinating items and rare documents by and about Charles Spurgeon.