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 is not a commercial web site. It is a personal labor of love. The curator of this site is a book editor, not an artist or a web page designer.
But this is not the work of one person only. The following people have supported The Spurgeon Archive in some significant fashion contributing scanned material, proofreading, helping with publicity, or rendering some other form of assistance.
If you'd like to help with our efforts and add your name to the list below, please click here. |
Occasionally we forget to make mention of who contributed what. If you have submitted material to The Spurgeon Archive and have not been properly credited, please e-mail our curator a reminder: [email protected] |

These are the Friends of the Spurgeon Archive:
David "Spug" Spurgeon
Honorary Chairman of Friends of The Spurgeon Archive, David is great grandson of the Prince of Preachers. See the family resemblance?
Spurgeon Phillip Rice
Newest member of the Friends of The Spurgeon Archive, this little guy has inherited a first name that will be hard to live up to, and a middle name that will be hard to live down. Spurgeon Phillip's father, Russ, is a dear friend and fellow Spurgeon aficionado.
Charles L. Alligood
Pastor Alligood submits sermon transcripts whenever possible. He pastors Grace Baptist Church in Flowery Branch, Georgia. He also edits books for Revival Literature, Asheville, NC. Prior to moving to Northeast Georgia he labored for ten years as a missionary in South Texas and Mexico. Charles and his wife, Peggy, have four children, the oldest of whom is a missionary in Peru.
Chris Anderson
Pastor Anderson shepherds the Riverview Baptist Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He was saved at age 12 and has been serving the Lord in churches since he was 15, beginning as a music and youth pastor. He's a great lover of Spurgeon and transcribes sermons as time permits.
Allan R. Arnold Jr.
Allan ran a Web site, Sola Fide Online (no longer online, unfortunately), which was a great source of some excellent material in .RTF format. At least six of the sermons in The Spurgeon Archive were converted from files Allan supplied.
Peggy April
Peggy's a very fast typist. She offered to transcribe sermons if we could supply the source. So we sent her our 1892 volume of The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit (from the year of Spurgeon's death). The very day she received it she transcribed and e-mailed the first sermon in the bookmessage 2237. The following day she transcribed and sent me message 2238. And the day after that she sent message 2239. She's the reason why the 1892 volume has supplied more sermons for our collection than any other.
Pastor David Ash
David is pastor of the Shiloh Baptist Church of Gainesville, GA. They host a very fine Web site, including a wonderful online library, rich with helpful works. David is contributing individual sermons to .
Bath Road Baptist Church, Kingston, Ontario
More than 20 of the original sermons on The Spurgeon Archive were supplied by this church, which also publishes one of Spurgeon's sermons each month in booklet form. If you would like to be on the mailing list (there is no charge), please send your request to:
Spurgeon Ministries
PO Box 1673
K7L 5C8
Sorry, but The Spurgeon Archive cannot forward messages; those interested must write directly to Bath Road Baptist Church.
Robert Bigelow
Bob is a deacon at Bethany Gospel Chapel (a Plymouth Brethren Assembly) in Swansea, Massachusetts. He is editor of his assembly's monthly newsletter "Koinonia" and hosts the assembly's online newsletter. He works for the United States Postal Service as an electronics technician. He also writes gospel messages and poetry. He and his wife Carol have three children.
David John Bissett
Pastor Bissett is senior pastor of Clifton Park Community Church, in Clifton Park, NY (just north of Albany). He and his wife Laurel have six children. He has proofread several of the sermons we have posted, helping purge those annoying typos.
Debra Bouey
Debra is an author and apologist who writes for Christian Conscience Magazine. Her work has also been published in the CRI Journal. (Samples of her writings are all over the Web.) She's also a fast and accurate typist and a lover of Spurgeon. She contributes transcripts as her time permitswhich, thankfully, has been a lot recently. She is the fastest and most prolific transcriptionist of all the Friends of the Spurgeon Archive. Accurate, too. "Christ Our Passover" was her first contributionand since then she has done nearly all of the 1856 volume of The New Park Street Pulpit.
Wayne Boyd
Wayne is one of our many friends from Canada. He has submitted a number of letter-perfect sermon transcripts.
Mike Bremmer
Mike regularly scans excellent theological treatises (and often writes his own) for distribution on the Internet through his Sola Scriptura! Ministries. He has made several key contributions to our efforts here, and his Web site is well worth a visit.
Norma Buhr
Norma attends Indian Hills Community Church in Lincoln Nebraska (Dr. Gil Rugh, Senior Pastor). She has been faithfully transcribing and submitting sermons since she discovered in early 1997.
Dan Carlson
Dan scanned and proofread the entire Spurgeon biography by W.Y. Fullerton. I'm waiting for bio information on Dan to add to this page. All I know about him is that he posts from a German account, and from an AOL account. He did a remarkable job on the scanning, making the job of editing, encoding, and posting the work a fairly simple task.
John Clouse
John is a software developer for Datastream Systems. He attributes
much of his spiritual growth to the influence of Spurgeon and the Puritans. John is also working with John Dyck (see below) on the Bible Presbyterian Church's web site.
Judith Collins
Judith is a lecturer in history and languages at Faith College of the Bible in Nairobi, Kenya, a Reformed school serving evangelical churches of East Africa. She is associated with the Bible Presbyterian Church in the US/Canada.
Richard Coombs
Richard is pastor of the
North Balwyn Baptist Church in Melbourne, Australia. Upon entering the ministry, he was given a complete set of the Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit series by an older man. Fortunately, Richard also has a scanner and has volunteered to supply sermons to our collection as time permits. His first offering, "The Peculiar Sleep of the Beloved," is now on line, thanks to John Dyck (see below) who did the HTML work.
Keith A. Cornell
Keith lives in Colorado and posts from America On Line. That's about all we know about him, except that he transcribed several sermons and submitted themeven while recovering from a painful wrist injury.
Alicia Dunlap
Alicia is a homemaker with two children (Brandon and Rachel). She and her husband Mark have been married since 1986. They attend Family Christian Center in Palmer, Alaska. Alicia's walk with Christ was revitalized in December, 1996. She started transcribing sermons in November 1997. She writes:
I know it was the Lord that guided me to The Spurgeon Archive, after I had been frustrated with this whole Internet thing. Satan seemed easy to find, but Jesus where are you in this thing? So I prayed to the Father to show me where He was and He has blessed me with many links, and I am especially happy He led me to The Spurgeon Archive, because the words of this blessed man have touched me deeply.
John T. Dyck
John is webmaster for The Bible Presbyterian Church. He responded to our challenge to transcribe a sermon, and he turned it around in less than two days! Typed, spell-checked, HTMLedeverything. John said typing the transcript was its own reward: "I have found it a tremendous blessing. It is one thing to read quickly through one of Spurgeon's sermons, it is entirely another to be able to go through it slowly and digest it properly." Here's hoping he'll transcribe many more.
Philip D. Eckert
Philip Has been a Spurgeon aficionado for several years. He and his wife Debbie have 3 children, and Philip works as a computer programmer at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Philip contributed "The Stony Heart Removed," and carefully proofread it.
John Farese
John is bedridden and unable to use his arms or legs. But he creates marvelous calligraphic art and maintains several web pages with the aid of a voice-recognition computer. One of the earliest and most enthusiastic promoters of The Spurgeon Archive, he writes, "You're doing a wonderful work, especially for disabled Christians like myself who must use the PC in order to read." Check out John's very reasonably-priced artwork at Inspirational Designs.
Bill Fickett
Bill put Grace to You on the WWW. In the process, he showed the curator how to do basic HTML formatting, and thus was born. Bill also provides emergency tech support whenever the curator does something stupid.
Jo Ann (Jody) Finnimore
Jody has been a church secretary for nine years. She is an accomplished typist and has submitted several sermons, as well as Psalm 116 for the Treasury of David (Lord willing, these will soon be formatted with HTML codes and posted). She also contribted Farm Sermons, a marvelous little book of Spurgeon sermons based on rural themes. She writes:
It wasn't until a couple months ago that I started reading Spurgeon's sermons and writingsand I was immediately drawn into that large circle of people who thoroughly enjoy his wonderful spirit and true preaching gift. I should tell you I have been a Methodist all my life (attended a small Methodist church in the hills of West Virginia!) and I regret that it took me 47 years to read Spurgeon's writings. A friend of my daughtersa very nice Christian young mangave her a sermon of Spurgeon's to read and she in turn let me read it. I immediately was fascinated with his writings and decided to see if I could find more on the internet. And that is when I ran across The Spurgeon Archive.
She immediately wrote and offered to transcribe, and has been submitting things faithfully ever since.
Tom Garner
Tom has a Web site of his own that prominently features Spurgeon. Click on his name above to visit him. He has graciously lent his HTML skills to helping format sermons for us.
Randy Grimm
Randy is the father of four teenagers who all love the Lord. The Grimms attend Grace Fellowship Church in Timonium, MD, where Randy is active in the high school ministry. He says he is not a fast reader but has an uncanny ability to spot misspelled words at a glance. He proofreads and submits corrections for some of the sermons we have posted.
Gloria L. Harris
Gloria works at Canon Research Center America, Inc. Her husband is an Associate Minister at their church in East Palo Alto, CA. They have one son, a senior in High School. Gloria transcribed and proofread the sermon "Prodigal Love for the Prodigal Son."
David Heesen
David was a music student at Baptist Bible College, Springfield, Mo., from 1970 to 1972. Since then he has been a music/youth director at the Janesville Bible Baptist Temple, Janesville, Wisconsin, and now is a volunteer organist/choir director at Faith Baptist Church in Beloit, Wisconsin. From 1981 to 1990 he was the editor of Kingdom Digest, a bimonthly periodical. His paper on divine sovereignty is posted on the Web. His Web page is also now on line. He has contributed several sermons to (including numbers 168, 241, 504, 553, 860but some of these may not be formatted and on line just yet). He likes the Chicago Cubs and classical musicso he and the curator have a lot in common.
Michael Henry
Michael lives in Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. He is a Bible College student there and uses some of his spare time to transcribe Spurgeon sermons for us.
Ernesto Hernandez
Ernesto is one of the most prolific contributers to our sermon collection. He is a software programmer for Malvern Systems in Malvern, PAbut he lives in Juarez City, Chihuahua, Mexico. Ernesto is a deacon at Bethania Baptist Church in Juarez. His wife will soon finish medical school. They have been married for 4 years and have a 2-year-old son.
Deborah Jacquelle
A faithful member of my flock, who is helping with the meticulous task of proofreading.
Timothy Kauffman
Tim's ministry, White Horse Publications, has published a new compilation of Spurgeon's various writings about Roman Catholicism. Geese in their Hoods was released in May 1997. Tim has given e-text copies that book, with permission to post the material in Spurgeon's original format.
Richard Kline
Richard is a chemist/computer scientist working for the National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health. He attends Immanuel's Church in Silver Springs, MD. His late father was a minister, and as time allows, Richard is working toward an M.Div. at
Chesapeake Seminary in the Baltimore area.
Emily Lam
Emily was reading the 1871 volume of The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit and came across a letter from Spurgeon in which he says:
I have one great favour to ask of all readers of the sermons, and that is, that they will try to spread them abroad, and increase the number of regular subscribers. What has been good to you will be good for others if the Lord bless it. If you cannot preach yourself, you can distribute the word spoken by others.
She was moved to contribute, so she transcribed the first sermon of the 1871
volume, "Life in Christ."
Cary Landry
Cary is a businessman from Arizona who offered to scan or transcribe material as time allows. His first contribution, "The Sum and
Substance of all Theology" is now on line.
Ron Loeffler
Ron responded to our request for help by sending several perfectly-formatted sermons from The New Park Stree Pulpit series. Check out "Sovereignty and Salvation," the first of Ron's submissions that went on line.
Ron writes, "I yielded to God's irresistible grace just one week prior to my 50th birthday. That was nearly nine years ago. Before that, I had been an outspoken and active enemy of our Lord and all things spiritual. . . . Now, I am back to basics, a Bible-believing fundamentalist with definite Calvinist leanings."
Mitchell Lynn
Mitch is blind and uses a voice reader to browse The Spurgeon Archive. Last year he helped work out the format for our sermon files so that they would be more accessible to blind users. Now he is using an optical character reader to help scan sermons. His first contribution is Sown Among Thorns. He's planning to help scan Spurgeon's Lectures to my Students.
Gordon Mair
Gordon was born and brought up in Stornoway on the Island of Lewis, in the UK. He is a minister in the Free Church of Scotland, previously ministering in Lochgilphead (17 years) and now in Fort William (since 1993), at the foot of Ben Nevis (hence his e-mail address). Gordon earned a science degree at Aberdeen UniversityB.Sc., with honors. He scans and submits sermons as time allows.
Tom Martin
Tom is one of those very patient people who have transcribed and submitted sermons, then waited a loooong time to see them get formatted and posted. But while he waits for us to get his submissions posted, we're adding his entry here. Tom came to faith in Christ at age 10 and learned Reformed doctrine under the ministry of Pastor Walter Chantry in Carlisle, PA. Tom is now a practicing attorney and a District Justice in Pennsylvania. He and his wife, Bonnie, are members at Tenth Presbyterian in Philadelphia (where Dr. James Boice was pastor), nd Tom teaches Sunday school there. Some of his excellent lesson notes are available at his Web site. He is also a member of the Board of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.
Gary McLarry
Gary is one of the most prolific contributors to our sermon collection. Within weeks after he first heard of , Gary manually transcribed and submitted 35 sermons, sometimes at the rate of three or four per day. Now he has acquired a scanner to speed up the work even more.
Gary lives just west of Durant, Oklahoma (close to where the curator went to college in 1971-72). Gary is an engineering Technician for Texas Instruments. He and his wife, Vicki, are in a bluegrass gospel band called "Silver Creek," a Christian group that plays in churches and nursing homes. They charge no fee for performances. However, according to Gary, "if you have some fresh peach cobbler and home-made ice-cream, we'll stay after church and help you eat it."
David A. McMullen
In October 1996, Dave wrote to see if we had a downloadable copy of sermon 277 from the New Park Street Series, because his hardcopy edition was almost unreadable. Informed that it had not yet been transcribed, he transcribed it himself and submitted it.
Dave lives in Oregon and works in telecommunications with the Bonneville Power Administration. He has been married to Lorie for 17 years, and they have a teenage daughter, Michelle.
Bill Noonkesser
Bill maintains the Web site for Mt. Zion Bible Church, home of Chapel Library, where some of the finest tracts and literature available anywhere are printed. If you're not on the Chapel Library mailing list and supporting that ministry, you should be. Pay them a visit and get to know this wonderful group of people. Among the material reprinted by Chapel Library is a collection of pamphlets featuring complete, unedited Spurgeon sermons. Bill has contributed a number of these to .
Larry Pierce
Larry is the creator of The Online Bible, a marvelous CD-ROM loaded with excellent material. It is the source of the text for The Spurgeon Archive's edition of Treasury of David. Larry also contributed the massive indexes to Spurgeon's sermons.
Bob Ross and Pilgrim Publications
Bob Ross supplied copies of Spurgeon's hand-written sermon notes and several other items of historical interest. Bob has been reprinting Spurgeon for many years and has done more than anyone in America to make Spurgeon's published works available. He has reprinted nearly all of Spurgeon's works in fine bindings. Write to him at: Pilgrim Publications, PO Box 66, Pasadena, TX 77501.
Harry Plantinga
The Christian Classics Ethereal Library is the finest collection of book-length Christian literature on the World Wide Web. Here's where the e-texts for All of Grace and Till He Come were acquired. Harry, who is the CCEL Webmaster, scanned and proofread these works.
Robert Prodoehl
This is a superb web site, featuring a mailing list you can join to receive daily installments via e-mail from Spurgeon's Morning and Evening.
Max Randall
Max is pastor of Turkeyfoot Christian Church, near Sadieville, KY (pop. 225). Max transcribed, proofread and HTMLed sermon 339, titled "The Sons of God." A short while later, after getting a scanner for his birthday, Max sent sermon 229: "Love". When you visit his web site, thank him for the sermons, and encourage him to do some more.
Jack M. Redfearn
Jack became a Christian as a senior at the University of Arkansas in 1969. He and his wife now live in Kansas City. Their son, David, wanted books by Spurgeon for Christmas, and a search for those books led Jack to . He started reading sermons and decided to do some proofreading to help us out.
Matt Reimer
Matt was the technical genius behind the launch of the Grace to You Web site. He also supplied the technosavvy that got on line. He supplied the hit-counter software, helped refine some of our HTML work, and solved a number of difficulties that were over our curator's head. Without him, the Web site would have never got off the ground.
Frank Roy
Frank wrote in 1996 after finding us on the Web, and asked how he might be of help. We mailed Frank hard copy for several sermons, which he scanned and proofread, then submitted to the collection. He lives in Upper Marlboro, Maryland.
Jonathan Secrest
Jonathan began submitting sermon transcripts while a senior at Florida Southern College. He is a Reformed Baptist who loves the doctrines of grace. While in college Jonathan was also president of the Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) chapter on the FSC campus.
Dave Shedd
Dave has transcribed, proofread, and contributed a couple of sermons. He has also proofread some of the sermons we posted that had not been carefully transcribed.
Dave first responded to Christ's call while serving time in prison. Now he is a volunteer minister of the gospel (in-prison seminar instructor) in various prisons for Prison Fellowship. He is also Spanish/English translator and manages a sailboat marina/boatyard by day.
Phil Simpson
Phil submitted more than thirty sermons to the Archive. About half of them still need to be proofread and encoded with HTML tags, but they will be appearing steadily in the weeks to come, Lord willing. Meanwhile check out Phil's web page, which is loaded with rich articles from various authors.
Eric Stuyck
Eric transcribed and submitted "The Wordless Book," which nicely complements his own Web Site. He is the local director of Child Evangelism Fellowship of Frederick County, MD.
James Spurgeon
James is not a direct descendent from the Prince of Preachers, but he must be related in some way. He's a powerful preacher, a Particular Baptist, with a sharp mind and a quick wit. He proofreads sermons for the Archive.
Dennis Swanson
Dennis is head Librarian at The Master's Seminary. The dissertation he prepared for his M. Div. dealt with Spurgeon and Eschatology. Dennis has graciously donated a copy to The Spurgeon Archive. This is one of the most eagerly-awaited additions to the archive, judging from the e-mail we have received about it.
Tan Chee Leong
Chee Leong is from Singapore. He trusted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour while in The Boys' Brigade. He is now in his late 20s and currently doing a part-time course in Theology. He says Spurgeon's works have been a great inspiration, never failing to bring out the true and living essense of the Bible. He transcribes and submits sermons as time allows.
Philip M. Traynor
Dr. Traynor is a podiatrist at the Guntersville Foot Clinic, Guntersville, AL. He has desired for several years to see all Spurgeon's sermons digitized, and recently decided to do something about it. He had all the sermons from the 1916-1917 volumes transcribed and contributed the transcripts to . We will be encoding these transcripts and adding them to the collection as quickly as possible. Several are already done. NOTE: Anyone who would like to contribute the "Exposition" sections from those volumes is encouraged to do so.
Dr. Adrian Warnock
Dr. Warnock hosts fishNET, a fine collection of search engines tweaked especially for searching the Christian Web. Dr. Warnock supplied code for the AltaVista search on main page, and he also registered the first fifty or so sermons with the WWW Study Bible at Harry Plantinga's site.
Michael G. Wilson
Michael is pastor of the First Baptist Church of Los Alamitos, CA. He owns only one volume of the Metropolitan Tabvolume 30. He is scanning it as time permits,and sermons from that volume should begin appearing on line in the weeks to come.
Rick Wooten
Rick is a digital illustrator, Web site designer, and fellow Spurgeon aficionado who submits sermon transcripts whenever he gets an opportunity.