
We're not soliciting financial support, and we maintain no mailing list. Neither do we have any paid staff or full-time workers. Contrary to what most people assume, this is a part-time, volunteer-based effort.
So we do need help from people with time and skills to contribute. If you have access to any volumes of the Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, The New Park Street Pulpit, or The Treasury of David and are a careful, detail-oriented person, we can use your help.
Our primary need is for careful, meticulous proofreaders. If you would like to find and help us correct typographical errors and other mistakes in our on-line library, please CLICK HERE for further instructions.
If you have helped us in any way and would like to be listed as one of The Friends of The Spurgeon Archive, please send us a brief paragraph of information about yourself and (if you like) links to your Web site or e-mail address.
Now, here is a list of our greatest needs:
If you'd like to help The Spurgeon Archive, here is what we need most: |
Meticulous proofreaders. This is our primary need. If you have access to hard-copy originals of Spurgeon material and would like to help by doing proofreading, please CLICK HERE. |
A site-specific search engine. We want to install a search engine for The Spurgeon Archive. We're not interested in the "free" Web search services that offer advertising and banner links along with their search. We don't want a search engine that takes people offsite, either. If you can help us install and maintain our own search engine, please e-mail Phil. |
Someone to help with the formatting of The Treasury of David. The material was all transcribed for The Online Bible, so all the text is in place. However, it is organized in a verse-by-verse fashion that is different from the original books, and with lots of material repeated. If you have your own copy of The Treasury of David in hard copy and can help get the e-text in order, please e-mail Phil. |
Thanks for your interest. We ask that you please not volunteer for any of these tasks unless you are willing to do painstaking work to the highest standards of excellence. |
The Friends of The Spurgeon Archive thank you for stopping by. If you appreciate what we are doing here and would like to become involved, we'd love to hear from you.