The Down-Grade Controversy |
Spurgeon and the Down-Grade Controversy
From John MacArthur's book Ashamed of the Gospel.
Primary Documents
Facsimile copies of the following documents were compiled by Bob Ross and published by Pilgrim Publications, Pasadena, TX, in a volume titled The "Down Grade" Controversy. That volme is the source of much of this material.
- 1887 Sword and Trowel Preface
- The Down Grade (March 1887)
- The Down Grade (April, 1887)
- NOTES (from the April 1887 Sword and Trowel)
- Another Word Concerning the Down-Grade (August, 1887)
- Our Reply to Sundry Critics and Enquirers (September, 1887)
- The Case Proved (October, 1887)
- A Fragment Upon the Down-Grade Controversy (November, 1887)
- Restoration of Truth and Revival (December, 1887)
- NOTES (from the December 1887 Sword and Trowel)
- 1888 Sword and Trowel Preface
- The Baptist Union Censure (February, 1888)
- NOTES (from the March 1888 Sword and Trowel)
- Progressive Theology (April, 1888)
- NOTES (from the April 1888 Sword and Trowel)
- The English Baptist Union's Statement
(23 April 1888)
- NOTES (from the May 1888 Sword and Trowel)
- NOTES (from the June 1888 Sword and Trowel)
- NOTES (from the July 1888 Sword and Trowel)
- NOTES (from the August 1888 Sword and Trowel)
- Current Religious Perils (September, 1888)
- NOTES (from the September 1888 Sword and Trowel)
- NOTES (from the October 1888 Sword and Trowel)
- NOTES (from the November 1888 Sword and Trowel)
- Attempts at the Impossible (December, 1888)
- NOTES (from the January 1889 Sword and Trowel)
- Questions for "Down-grade" Doubters (March, 1889)
- NOTES (from the May 1889 Sword and Trowel)
- NOTES (from the June 1889 Sword and Trowel)
- This Must Be a Soldiers' Battle (December, 1889)
- NOTES (from the February 1890 Sword and Trowel)
- NOTES (from the May 1891 Sword and Trowel)
- "Mr. Spurgeon's Confession of Faith" (August, 1891 )
- A Sermon for the Time Present (Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, No. 1990, October 30, 1887)
- The "Down Grade" Controversy from Mr. Spurgeon's Standpoint (From The Autobiography, Vol. IV)