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Charles Haddon Spurgeon: A Biography

C. H. Spurgeon


(NOTE: Only the chapters with working links are currently available on line).

Volume 1

  1. The Minister's Self-watch
  2. The Call to the Ministry
  3. The Preacher's Private Prayer
  4. Our Public Prayer
  5. Sermons _ their Matter
  6. On the Choice of a Text
  7. On Spiritualizing
  8. On the Voice
  9. Attention
  10. The Faculty of Impromptu Speech
  11. The Minister's Fainting Fits
  12. The Minister's Ordinary Conversation
  13. To Workers with Slender Apparatus

Volume 2

  1. Illustrations in Preaching
  2. Anecdotes from the Pulpit
  3. The Uses of Anecdotes and Illustrations
  4. Where can we find Anecdotes and Illustrations?
  5. Cyclopaedias of Anecdotes and Illustrations
  6. Books of Fables, Emblems, and Parables
  7. The Sciences as Sources of Illustration. ASTRONOMY
  8. Supplemental. List of Books of Anecdotes, Illustrations, etc.
  9. List of Mr. Spurgeon's Illustrative Works

Volume 3

  1. The Holy Spirit in connection with our Ministry
  2. The necessity of Ministerial Progress
  3. The need of Decision for the Truth
  4. Open Air Preaching—Sketch of its History
  5. Open Air Preaching—Remarks thereon
  6. Posture, Action, Gesture, etc.
  7. Posture, Action, Gesture, etc. (Second Lecture).
  8. Illustrations of Action
  9. Earnestness: its Marring and Maintenance
  10. The Blind Eye and the Deaf Ear
  11. On Conversion as our Aim

Volume 4

  1. A Chat about Commentaries
  2. On Commenting
  3. Remarks upon the Catalogue of Commentaries
  4. Catalogue of Commentaries on the Whole Bible
  5. Catalogue of Commentaries on the Old Testament
  6. Catalogue of Commentaries on the on the separate Books of the Old Testament
  7. Catalogue of Commentaries on the on the New Testament
  8. Catalogue of Commentaries on theon the separate Books of the New
  9. Testament

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