Wallpapers from 
Artillery Street Evangelical Church
This is the church in Artillery Street where Spurgeon first found Christ. It is home once more to an evangelical congregation.
The Charles Spurgeon Collection from Ages Software
An amazingly affordable CD-ROM with the entire collection of Spurgeon's published sermons, more than 70 his books, and several other Spurgeon resources. If you love Spurgeon's works, you cannot afford not to own this. [Ages Software is not affiliated in any way with , and we make no royalty on the sales of their software. So this is a free, unqualified endorsement. Buy the CD-ROM.]
The largest repository of Spurgeon quotes in the world. Forums and other resources, too.
Spurgeon Audio Sermons
.mp3 presentations of Spurgeon's sermons. These are read with an American accent in a way that lacks the dynamic of preaching, but if you have a hankering for Spurgeon in an audio format, here's a great source.

Our friends at Pilgrim publish more Spurgeon material than any other publisher in history, including Passmore and Alabaster, Spurgeon's original publishers! Nearly all of Spurgeon's published works may be obtained in fine reprint editions here. Pilgrim always features original, unedited editions, finely bound, and usually priced less than other publishers' versions. They have also produced many modern works about Spurgeon and his ministry. Their Web site is a treasure-trove of material about Spurgeon. A must-see site.
Spurgeon Ministries
The very first sermons posted at were supplied by Spurgeon Ministries, Bath Road Baptist Church, Kingston, Ontario. Now they have their own Web site.
Spurgeon Gems
Emmett O'Donnell's vast collection of Spurgeon Sermons, updated in today's language. Many sermons not yet available at may be found here in .pdf format, viewable with the Adobe Acrobat Reader. This is a rich storehouse of Spurgeon material, with new features being added weekly. A must-see.
Charles H. Spurgeon en Espanõl
El viejo evangelio para el nuevo siglo.
Das deutsche Spurgeon Portal
Hier finden Sie Informationen über den größten Prediger Englands.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon: "The Prince of Preachers-Live!"
Dave Richards is an actor and an ordained evangelist who brings the preaching of C. H. Spurgeon to life. He delivers verbatim sermons from the Prince of Preachers in autheitic 19-Century costume.
The Bible Bulletin Board
Tony Capoccia's large collection of sermons includes much from Spurgeon. Some of the sermons you'll find here have been adapted to modern English. Tony has been posting Spurgeon on line for many years, and this is a large collection. He also offers cassette tapes of Spurgeon sermons in Tony Capoccia's voice. These are great for listening in the car, etc.
Charles Spurgeon Honeymoon Suite
No joke. If you're looking for a location for your honeymoon, or a romantic weekend to celebrate your wedding anniversary, why not consider the Charles Spurgeon Suite at the Honeymoon Mansion Bed & Breakfast and Wedding Chapel in New Albany, IN ("fifteen minutes from downtown Louisville")? This Victorian-style getaway features your own private marble jacuzzi surrounded by six marble columnsand a portrait of the Prince of Preachers.
Jim Dearmore
Jim is a retired missionary. He and his late wife, Georgia, assembled a great Web site, featuring many superb selections of Christian literature, including a few valuable Spurgeon excerpts.
'Morning & Evening' & More!
Robert A. Prodoehl's excellent Spurgeon site. He operates a mailing list that distributes the daily readings from Morning and Evening. Well worth a visit to subscribe!

Rare Document Traders
Looking for authentic Spurgeon documents or other collectibles? Rare Document Traders have some quality documents at reasonable prices. Visit their website for more information. |
The Riches of Spurgeon
A superb article by Orthodox Presbyterian author William Shishko. He writes, "As highly as I regard Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Knox, Whitefield, Edwards, and many other pulpit giants of the past, I become more convinced with every reading of a Spurgeon sermon that this English Baptist preacher of the 18th century is the preeminent model for one who would be a herald of the Word of God and the Christ of that Word."
Spurgeon's College
The college Spurgeon founded for the training of preachers. Sadly, it is only marginally evangelical today.
Spurgeon MP3
RealAudio presentations of Spurgeon's sermons. These are read with an American accent in a way that lacks the dynamic of preaching, but if you have a hankering for Spurgeon in an audio format, here's a great source. Sponsored by Mount Zion Online.
The Metropolitan Tabernacle, London
The congregation Spurgeon pastored have remained faithful to the principles he proclaimed. Here's their Web site.
Spurgeon's Personal Library
Most of Charles H. Spurgeon's personal library was acquired for William Jewell College after Spurgeon's death. The collection Now Belongs to Midwestern Baptist Theological College & Seminary.
The Works of C. H. Spurgeon on audio tapedelivered, of course, by a modern voice (that of Tod Magstadt), not Spurgeon himself. Nontheless, these are very well done and excellent material to listen to while driving.