Very Attentive towards the Close
by C. H. Spurgeon
From the August 1884 Sword and Trowel |  |
VERY good little anecdote is related by Spohr in his lately-published "Autobiography." At the rehearsals of a certain oratorio of his he noticed that his little girl, eight years old, usually remained very grave and quiet until the final number, which was a fugue; then the little maiden's eyes grew bright, and she listened with the most animated and sustained attention. Spohr fondly concluded that his daughter had a penchant for music of a severe character, and asked her about it. "Oh, no, papa," she replied; "but I know when that piece is finished we go directly to the house for dinner"!
Just so. How many hearers are watching for "lastly" as a cat waits for a mouse! That good dinner is already delighting their sense of smell, by the help of a powerful imagination. As yet, their nose is more powerful than their heart, and the charms of a pudding are greater with them than the glories of the gospel. Well, weary ones, we must take care that we do not impose upon your patience by undue prolixity; but you must also remember that we cannot shorten our discourses to please your fancies. Those who grudgingly yield scanty attention to our sacred message must not complain if in return we give scanty attention to their desire for short sermons.