Professors of the Higher Life
by C. H. Spurgeon
From the May 1883 Sword and Trowel |  |
METHODIST preacher of long experience (a doctor of divinity too). lately remarked in a Southern paper: "I have known hundreds of men and women, who made no pretensions to holiness, who had experienced no 'second blessing,' who had found no 'new light,' who sought no 'higher life,' who, in fact, were just as pure, true, and holy in life and conversation as the best so-called 'holiness people' I ever saw, and not half so troublesome in the church." there is nobody who can stir up so many church rows, and keep them boiling so long, as your brother or sister who has received the "second blessing" and is living the "higher life."New York Examiner.
On looking back through thirty years of church life we are compelled to come to the conclusion that the most unsatisfactory members we have ever had have been those who were most satisfied with themselves. One brother became so thoroughly sanctified that he could not live with his wife; and another had so clean escaped from sin of every sort that he quitted us all in disgust. We find in the Sunday-school, the Lay Preachers' Association, the Christian Young Men's meetings, and in all other forms of work, that as soon as any of the brethren or the sisters begin to brag about their holiness they become wholly useless, and before long the place that knew them knows them no more. "Great cry and little wool" men are not very numerous among us, but we have a few now and then just by way or' variety.C. H. S.