Sound But Lazy
by C. H. Spurgeon
From the August 1883 Sword and Trowel |  |
T IS GOOD TO HOLD FAST to the old truths, and to contend earnestly (but not savagely) for the faith once delivered to the saints; but it is possible to be sound in doctrine and sound asleep at the same time. Truth turned into a pillow for an idle head is a good thing turned to most evil use. If we wish our form of teaching to exercise power, we must exhibit its practical influence right diligently. A doctrine that will not work will not live. Some very orthodox people are very lazy, and laziness is certainly heterodoxy of the worst type. A good-for-nothing Christian is a great sinner. There never was a period when there was more need for zeal and faithfulness than now. We have fallen upon bad days for slumber: activity is lord of the hour. Oh, lovers of truth, bestir yourselves. Work together when you can; but, most of all, see to it that you are each one faithful to his own conscience. Thoroughly consecrated and quickened men are needed now that the fight grows hotter than ever.