The Mule
by C. H. Spurgeon
From the May 1879 Sword and Trowel |  |
HEN the word of God is truly written upon a man's mind, and laid up in his heart, he will soon be declaring it and speaking of it to others. True grace seeks to diffuse and propagate itself. Naturalists observe that mules, and creatures that are of a mongrel race, do not procreate after their kind; even so false Christians are not for propagating and enlarging Christ's interests. Such men are not warm, spiritual, and heavenly in their discourses, and aim not at increasing the number of believers. Andrew when acquainted with Christ calls Peter, and both call Nathanael, saying, 'We have found the Messiah' (John 1:41-45). John calls his disciples. As a hen when she hath found a worm, or a barleycorn, clucks for her chickens. that they may come and partake of it with her; so a man acquainted with Christ, who hath tasted that the Lord is gracious, cannot hold his peace, but must be calling his friends and relations to come and share with him of the same grace. The more men have of God the more will they use their spiritual riches for the benefit of others, and the more eager will they be to employ all opportunities for doing good."
Reader, how does this brief paragraph bear upon you? It comes from the pen of an ancient master in Israel; let it lead you to self-examination. Especially inquire whether you are of the mulish breed, for a sterile life is not a spiritual life. He who is never troubled for the souls of others has great cause to be troubled for his own.