T is by the
grace of God that ungodly men are preserved from instant
death. The sharp axe of justice would soon fell the barren
tree if the interceding voice of Jesus did not cry, "Spare
him yet a little." Many sinners, when converted to God, have
gratefully acknowledged that it was of the Lord's mercy that
they were not consumed. John Bunyan had three memorable
escapes before his conversion, and mentions them in his
"Grace Abounding" as illustrious instances of long-suffering
mercy. Occasionally such deliverances are made the means of
affecting the heart with tender emotions of love to God, and
grief for having offended him. Should it not be so? Ought we
not to account that the longsuffering of God is salvation?
(2 Peter 3:15.) An officer during a battle was struck by a
nearly spent ball near his waistcoat pocket, but he remained
uninjured, for a piece of silver stopped the progress of the
deadly missile. The coin was marked at the words DEI GRATIA
(by the grace of God). This providential circumstance deeply
impressed his mind, and led him to read a tract which a godly
sister had given him when leaving home. God blessed the
reading of the tract, and he became, through the rich grace
of God, a believer in the Lord Jesus.
Reader, are you unsaved?
Have you experienced any noteworthy deliverances? Then adore
and admire the free grace of God, and pray that it may lead
you to repentance! Are you enquiring for the way of life?
Remember the words DEI GRATIA, and never forget that by grace
we are saved. Grace always pre-supposes unworthiness in its
object. The province of grace ceases where merit begins: what
a cheering word is this to those of you who have no worth,
no merit, no goodness whatever! Crimes are forgiven, and
follies are cured by our Redeemer out of mere free favour.
The word grace has the same meaning as our common term
gratis: Wickliffe's prayer was, "Lord save me gratis" No
works can purchase or procure salvation, but the heavenly
Father giveth freely, and upbraideth not.
Grace comes to us through
faith in Jesus. Whosoever believeth on Him is not condemned.
O, sinner, may God give thee grace to look to Jesus and live.
Look now, for to-day is the accepted time!
3.Sword and Trowel Tracts6d. per 100. Passmore & Alabaster, 23, Paternoster Row.