CHURCH OF ENGLAND MONK in the costume worn by Father Ignatius, and his
crew! Has it come to this, that monkery is to be revived in a
professedly Protestant Church? Who would have believed it had it been
foretold ten years ago? Can it be true that altars are consecrated by
these monks to the Virgin and to the saints, and that they are still
tolerated in the Establishment? Yes, it is even so. Ignatius was
introduced to a congress of clergy as a minister of the Church, and all
his doings are strictly within her pale. Monkery is therefore re-
established in the Anglican body. We are not at all surprised at this,
nor should we be much astonished if high-mass were publicly celebrated
in our parish Churches, and shrines set up to the Virgin, and the
saints, within the communion-rails. These would be onlv legitimate
displays of the festering corruption of that part of Antichrist which
dominates over this country. But what we are astounded at above measure
is, the way in which believers in the Lord Jesus and evangelical
Christians continue to countenance all this Popery by remaining in
communion with it! The Popish party sneer at them, the Dissenters
denounce their dishonesty, and many of them feel uneasy in the organs
which once were their consciences, but still they "abide by the stuff"
without complaining of it! Verily some persons can eat a large amount
of dirt! We wish we could say a word kindly but forcibly in the ear of
our brethren, who are still in fellowship with the works of darkness
practised in the Anglican denomination of Romanists. When will you come
out? How far is the corrupt element to prevail before you will separate
from it? You are mainly responsible for the growth of all this
Popery, for your piety is the mainstay and salt of what would otherwise
soon become too foul to be endured, and would then most readily be
swept from the earth. You hinder reformation! You protect these growing
upas trees which drip with death to the souls of men! You foster these
vipers beneath your goodly garments! You will be used as a shield to
protect the agents of the devil, until they need you no longer, and then
they will cast you away! For the love you bear to your Redeemer, be
duped no longer, and by your own hatred of monkery and priestcraft,
come ye out from among them, be ye separate, and touch not the
unclean thing.
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