ANY a time the shepherd called the sheep, but it would not obey his
voice; at last taking up the lamb he carried it away, and the mother
followed him at once. Full many a woman has been deaf to the Lord's
gracious Word until the angel of mercy has been sent to bear away her
darling babe, that it might tempt her to the skies. Then, under the
divine leading of the Holy Spirit, the sorrowful parent has looked up
to the God of heaven, and desired that through Jesus Christ she might
be taken up to see her child again in the better land.
Perhaps this little tract may fall into the
hand of a bereaved mother. "The shadow is on the cradle—the little
chair is vacant—the child's dress is no more to be worked on. Alas,
alas! the cooing, chirping voices, and the pattering feet, and the eyes
of wondering, and the finger-clasping 'wee' hands—gone, all gone. Home
is very empty, very, very lonely, very still." Dear friend, will you not
learn God's lesson? Will you not learn it now? Is he not
evidently beckoning you to the skies by the tiny finger of your own
sweet babe? Why should you be smitten any more? Is not this enough? Does
not this touch you in a tender place and move you to hearken to your
God? Can you not hear your child-angel as it whispers, "Mother follow
me to glory!" Can you bear to be divided from your babe for ever? Have
you no desires after heaven and the dear ones who are gathering there?
Will you make your bed in hell far off from those who are now in the
Saviour's bosom? Jesus crucified must be your hope; turn now your
weeping eyes to him. He is able now to save you, and if now you
trust him, you are saved, and shall meet in glory with those who have
gone before.
No. 10.—Sword and Trowel Tracts—6d. per 100, Post free 8 stamps.
Passmore & Alabaster, 23, Paternoster Row.