The Life of Emanuel Swedenborg
Swedenborg was an eighteenth-century philosopher who blended occult mysticism with Christian terminology. With the rise of the New Age Movement, Swedenborgianism is currently undergoing a revival of popularity.
The New Church (Church of the New Jerusalem)
More Swedenborgianism. This site has links to various resources on the history of this movement and the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg.
Jesus' Witnesses
A ministry for ex-JWs, with much helpful information about the cult.
Paul Blizard's exposé of the JW cult, with some fascinating historical details, including a photo of "Judge" Rutherford at a beer party during the Prohibition era.
Mary Baker Eddy
A short biographical sketch of Christian Science's founder.
The Official Home Page of the Church of Christ, Scientist
Everything you ever wanted to know about this cult's history and beliefs.
The Mormonism Research Ministry Home Page
An evangelical ministry that has challenges the claims of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The Book of Mormon
Bills itself as "Another Testament of Jesus Christ."
The Prophet Joseph Smith's Testimony
Joseph Smith's own account of the founding of the LDS cult. This is part of the official site of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
A Guide to Controversial Mormon Resources on the Internet
"... the information the LDS Church may not want you to know."