Theology from A Bunch of Dead Guys
The Recent Stalwarts "And the things that thou hast
heard of me among many witnesses,
the same commit thou
to faithful men, who shall be able
to teach others also" (2 Timothy 2:2).
rom the end of the Puritan era until today, there has been a steady succession of faithful voices proclaiming the truth of Scripture and calling the Church back to the faith of our fathers. These are a few of my favorites.
Best known as the author of "Rock of Ages," Toplady was a gifted theologian and one of the most ardent high Calvinists the Church of England ever produced. John Wesley was his contemporary and his theological nemesis. Some of the polemic they published against one another is as lively and caustic as anything you'll find in any Internet theology forum.
Here you'll find material on Scottish church history, historical theology, and biographical material on Scottish Free Church standouts such as Thomas Chalmers and Alexander Duff. Be sure to note John MacLeod's lectures on Scottish Theologya superb resource.