
All content on these pages is copyright © 1999 by Phillip R. Johnson. All rights reserved. |
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A Note from Phil: |
If you find your own site linked here and want to quibble about remarks I have made, or update me with newer information, you'll find a link to my e-mail at the bottom of this page. Let me hear from you.
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Phil's Comments
 NOTE: Phil Johnson bears sole responsibility for these remarks. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of his pastor, his employer, his wife, his children, his grandchildren, or his friends. Only Phil's beagle, Wrigley, always agrees with Phil. |
Where? When? |
The first thing you'll notice about this site is how cluttered, disorderly, and tawdry it looks. The content is no different. It's as if the page was constructed with a deliberate effort to eliminate anything that might edify or encourage. This is a seriously ugly muddle of fundamentalist pet issues, 911 Truther propaganda, and various amateur analyses—all thrown in your face with high-decibel, high-velocity force. The webmaster here seems drawn to every repugnant trope that has ever been commandeered in the name of religion—unsightly images, distasteful themes, loathsome tales, sinister gossip, and sensationalized headlines ("Satanism In The Vatican!") He blends these themes with favorite points of fundamentalist controversy and presents them in a way that seems carefully calculated to maximize the shock value. This is not ministry; it is exploitation. It's a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing profitable.
Some people insist that the only way to reach our generation with the gospel is by laboring to seem as cool or as non-confrontational as possible. This guy seems to think the goal is the opposite: to be as cheesy and offensive as possible. Both strategies are equally misguided. |
Phil Johnson's BookmarksBad Theology
Added 28 Jul 2013 |